[Salon] s Trump Stirs Hostility in Canada to the U.S.


Trump Stirs Hostility in Canada to the U.S.

‘The anti-American sentiment is unlike anything I have ever experienced in my 55 years.’

Feb. 10, 2025   The Wall Street Journal

image Photo: Andrej Ivanov/Bloomberg News

Regarding your editorial “The Dumbest Trade War in History” (Feb. 1): Weeks into office, Donald Trump has shattered decades of trust and good faith built up between two countries that have long been willing to come to the other’s aid. That friendship has been mutually beneficial for Washington and Ottawa. Unfortunately it now seems America can no longer be counted on to keep its word, stand by its agreements, show respect for longtime allies or honor relationships forged over decades of cooperation and shared values.

In Canada, the anti-American sentiment is unlike anything I have ever experienced in my 55 years. Boycotting American companies, products and tourism will continue long after the dumbest trade war in history ends. If there is a silver lining, it may be that Mr. Trump provided the spark to diversify Canada’s economy, especially energy exports, away from the U.S. while breaking down barriers to interprovincial trade across the country.

Jeff Dashkin

Calgary, Canada

Your editorial observes that “Mr. Trump sometimes sounds as if the U.S. shouldn’t import anything at all, that America can be a perfectly closed economy making everything at home.” That, as you rightly note, is called autarky. Another word that comes to mind: kakistocracy. With unenforced policy errors and ill-advised cabinet picks—including Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Pete Hegseth and Tulsi Gabbard—the country is well on its way to being governed by the least suitable and competent.

John A. Cleveland

Littleton, Colo.

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Appeared in the February 11, 2025, print edition as 'Trump Stirs Hostility in Canada to the U.S.'.

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